Luck of the Irish?

I don’t play the lottery. Honestly, I have nothing against lotteries but …

It started in school, I was usually picked last for any team. Fair enough, sports weren’t my ‘thing’. 50/50 draws, nope, never won. Raffles, again, nothing. When it comes to my ticket being chosen, my number being called, my luck leading to financial gain, it just doesn’t happen. I have pretty much accepted it. The Universe has told me that I will always be provided for, so I go with that.

Once in a while temptation will get to me. A few months back I had filled my car with gas and, as usual, the attendee wanted to know if I would like to buy a coffee or a lottery ticket.

‘They don’t work for me.’ I said. ‘I have given up buying tickets. Not even a free play, ever.’

‘Maybe today will be different’, she smiled, and for a moment I dreamt of winning. Not a huge sum, but something, just to prove me wrong.

Fast forward a week and I walked back in, lottery ticket in hand, to have them scan it.

Winner flashed up on the screen! Oh, maybe, just maybe ….

She reached into her cash drawer and handed me a toonie. Yes, two whole dollars!! After I had stopped laughing we had a fun conversation about how I might spend my winnings.

That was the last time I played the lottery. I think the message has finally sunk in, it just isn’t meant to be!

#sagewise #FindingtheMagicWithin

Photo credit: Eve Hannah

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